I can certainly understand the cause of concern for the lack of dedicated servers being the main foundation what creates online pc gaming communities in the first place but it got me thinking further, thinking and questioning about forms of gaming communities in games today. What alternative forms are there? How are they created? What game systems are in place to create or encourage gaming communities and to allow easy accessibility to interaction with other players feeling like you apart of something? Looking and exploring this topic further you may start think that maybe the lack dedicated servers isn’t such a big deal for the COD experience after all.

These days retroperspective games are really popular and they have certainly have re-built a place within modern gaming within the few past years with digital distribution becoming more accepted and of course their evolutional push towards design of conventional game mechanics and patterns from their skilled developers but there’s one simple element/feature which I think make these games as vital and liberating as they were back in the day. In fact so important it could make or break a game

It’s quite cool to see “Red Lynx” are acknowledging the hard work that users have put into building some great tracks and coming up with alternative solutions for sharing content developing a small community and there are lots of videos on youtube with many users trying express and share their work. You could say that isn’t a gaming community as “Red Lynx” isn’t supporting it with forums and modding tools, etc and obviously it’s isn’t a type of game which you would associate with gaming communities as it’s no World of Warcraft but then again it’s a game for very different type of player wanting a different type of experience therefore it’s has to be different community to reflect that. Trails HD seems to have very insular but keen community although it isn’t very self-contained or organised but certainly reflects their indie roots as developers and of course the subject matter of the game being about extreme stunts and rock ‘n’ roll. It gives the game unique vibe or sense of character which makes it seem quite cute and friendly.
What I’m ultimately trying to say is that I believe that it’s down to developer’s creativity to use the tools at hand to create experience and form of community which correlates with that core experience as sense of community is a great gaming intervention as no one wants feel alone. I certainly would like to look further into gaming communities and their form as an industry we need to invent new type and styles of communities.